Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

The students did many fun Valentine's activities today. The kids began their day decorating Valentine's bags. Then, they sorted conversation hearts by color and graphed them to compare which color had the most and least. They also wrote love letters and created Valentine cards. During centers, they each delivered their Valentines. We had a full and exciting day. Happy Valentine's day to you all and thanks for sharing your wonderful children with us! We love them!

Two Big Thumbs Up!

Please commend your children for excellent behavior while there was a guest teacher on Monday and Tuesday. The students earned many class husky bucks and lots of compliments from Mrs. Maratta. I am so proud of their responsible and respectful behavior! Give yourselves a round of applause, pat on the back and two big thumbs up:)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Kindergarten Conference

On Monday and Tuesday I will be attending the Maryland Kindergarten Conference in Towson, MD. Please discuss with your children the importance of having their best behavior while I'm away. I know they'll behave wonderfully for Mrs. Maratta and our guest teacher.

Fun on the field trip

The children had a great time on our community helpers field trip. We began the day at the firehouse and then went to Giant. When we returned to school we learned about proper dental hygiene from Nurse Nava. At the end of the day, Mr. Mike talked to the class about the tools needed to be a navy fighter pilot.

On Thursday we will meet our new alphafriend Queenie Queen. Her song is song to On Top of Old Smokey.

Queenie has qualified to run in a race.
She'll run very quickly to keep up the pace.
Queenie iw quite fit. She'll stretch for awhile.
Queenie will not quit. She'll run every mile.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Community Helpers Field Trip

Friday, February 6th will be our community helpers field trip. We are going to visit Solomons Firehouse and Giant Food. At the firehouse, some things we will learn are the tools firefighters use and what to do in a fire. Giant Food is allowing us to check out food items, unload boxes that arrive on the trucks, and frost a cupcake in the bakery. When we arrive back to school, we will have two guest speakers ~ a navy jet pilot and a dentist. Field trip permission slips and money are due by Wednesday, February 4th.